Over the past fifteen seasons we have had the great opportunity to work with students of all ages, but have always wanted to hold a retreat as a way to bring together musicians from throughout the valley and the southwest to make music together over a long weekend. For our 2022-2023 season we will be holding a chamber music retreat at Phoenix College from January 13-15, 2023.

This weekend is open to musicians of all experience levels, we will match you with musicians of like experience OR with a pre-formed group of your choosing.

Where: Phoenix College 1202 W Thomas Road Phoenix, AZ 85013: M Building (map)

When: January 13-15, 2023

Cost: $250 per person

Registration Deadline: December 19, 2022

How to register:

Registration has two parts, you must complete both to be registered by December 19, 2022.

Step 1: Complete our registration form. Once you completed this form you will receive instructions on how to pay for your registration.

Step 2: Pay your registration fee through Phoenix College. If you have never taken a class at any of the Maricopa Community Colleges or have questions, please contact Rose French at rose.french@phoenixcollege.edu.

Schedule Sketches



First readings

Evening concert featuring the Mill Ave Chamber Players

Post-Concert Reception (at a private home)


AM and PM Rehearsals

Break for Lunch (on your own)

Special topics classes covering a variety of interests related to chamber music

Evening Concert featuring members of Mill Ave Chamber Players and friends

Post-Concert Reception


Optional morning rehearsal

Dress rehearsal

Light lunch (provided by MACP)

1 PM Concert